
"चैतन्यमात्मा" (Consciousness is Self)

शिव-सूत्र से प्रतिपाद्य परमलक्ष्य का आधारभूत चेतनस्वरूप जो परमात्मा है उस पहले सूत्र से बताते है|

The fundamental conscious form of the ultimate goal, which is the Supreme Soul or Supreme Being, is revealed through the first sutra of the Shiv-Sutra.


चैतन्य मात्र जो चेतना प्रदान करता है उसे ही चेतन कहते है | चेतन का भाव चैतन्य है और वही आत्मा का स्वरुप है| शरीर, प्राण, मन, ​इन्द्रियों का समुदाय या पृथक -पृथक यह सभी आत्मा नहीं हो सकते, अपितु जिसमे इन सब का प्रतिभास होता है, अर्थात जिसमे यह सब भासते हैं, वही आत्मा है जो इन सब को प्रकाशित करता है तथा इन सबसे परे चेतनस्वरूप है |

Consciousness is Self

The pure consciousness that provides consciousness itself is called Chetana (consciousness). The essence of consciousness is Chaitanya, which is the true nature of the soul. Consciousness is the defining characteristic of the soul. The soul is that which is aware of itself and its surroundings. Consciousness is not a physical thing, but rather a feeling or state of being. It is the essence of the soul. The body, breath, mind, and senses, whether collectively or individually, cannot be the soul. However, the soul is that in which all of these appear, meaning it is that which illuminates them. It is beyond them and is the embodiment of consciousness.

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